Welcome All State Annual Singing Convention Participants
Rules of Competition
- Contestants may not sing more than two times during the competition.
- There will be a general competition with Grand Champion and Consolation Trophies awarded. There will not be anymore categories during competition.
- The competition will begin promptly at 10:00am on Saturday.
- Registration for the competition will close at 9:00am Saturday and contestants need to check in backstage 1 hour before their competition group is scheduled.
- Contestants may sing no longer than the maximum competition time of five (5) minutes from the start of the music. Violation of this rule will reduce contestant score by 5 points.
- Each group in the competition must be an established group prior to the weekend of the Sing (no “made-up” groups or “assembled-at-the-last-minute” groups ).
- Live accompaniment is encouraged; however, only recorded instrumental accompaniment, not vocals, is permitted. The use of stacked or background vocals during the competition will result in disqualification from the competition.
- The deadline for pre-registration is 30 days prior to the competition. Registering after this deadline will result in an additional $5 charge added to the registration fee.
- If you have a 20 min. slot you must chose between the 20 min. slot or compete in the competition.
Important Information
- Scores will not be disclosed to contestants.
- No congregating will be allowed in the work area when scores are being computed.
- There is a contingency plan in place in case of inclement weather. The Sing will continue at the Benson Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Church.
The Officers and Directors of the State Annual Singing Convention thank all of you for your understanding and cooperation in making this event the greatest gospel “Sing” in the country.